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Pixiv ID:106826169
The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is located in the heart of Hiroshima City. It was constructed to commemorate the tragic effects of the atomic bomb on the people of Hiroshima. The park is adorned with numerous monuments such as the Memorial Cenotaph and the Atomic Bomb Dome that convey the scale and gravity of the devastation. As she walked through the park, Elaina strongly felt the harsh reality of war and the importance of peace.

The background image used is a photograph of the Atomic Bomb Dome that I took in December 2017 with my Canon camera, repainted with StableDiffusion.

分辨率:4096 x 6144和伊莲娜一起去广岛旅行|插画师アマセキティモシー的AI绘图(风景)插画图片
