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Pixiv ID:108512558
射命丸文If you want to transfer or reprint my artwork, please indicate the source. Last time, a domestic e-commerce company used my artwork for commercialization and claimed that it came from an international illustration website, not PIXIV, which caused me a lot of trouble. I would like to reiterate that I do not object to non commercial use or sharing, but please establish that it does not harm the creator, as it will damage the creativity. Thank you.br 如果搬运请注明出处,上次有国内某电商私自商业化使用我的画作,并宣称来自某国际插画网站,并非PIXIV这些我使用的发布平台,给我造成很大麻烦,再次声明,我不反对非商业用途和分享,但请建立在不侵害创作者的前提下,很损坏创作的积极性,谢谢。

分辨率:3840 x 2160夏天来了|插画师fasnakegod的射命丸文插画图片
