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NT9 210211|GazingEye的上条当麻插画图片

PIXIV ID:43430518
上条当麻And thus Kamijou Touma lays down the great burden that he beared upon his shoulders, for he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders. And yet, he did more, for he laid down barren and bare the sighs of his soul for the welcoming arms of her ears.

A very important scene from Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index volume 9, where Touma pretty much bears his soul to the Will of the Misaka Network. This should've been submitted sooner, but my computer died while working on it. Moreover, my textures, references, and old materials have been lost because of that aforementioned event. As such, I call this one a trial by fire, for I had to relearn all the things that I have become used to when coloring.


分辨率:C@CNT9 210211|GazingEye的上条当麻插画图片
