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Pixiv ID:60852823
FF14My Entry of Tokyo FFXIV Fanfest art contest. I wanna put all my dearest ones into one scene. I really wish this could happen in game...
Hope you enjoy the little details I put in:
-The words on the wall are Eorzean font”Swift Recovery Estinien”
-Aymeric’s cat is there(overlook Estinien when Aymeric is busy>_<)
-Gifts for Estinien beside his bed, a hand-made Nidhogg plush is from WoL(me)
-The two secret visitors outside don’t have shadows. Only WoL could see them.

分辨率:1920 x 1080快点好起来,爱斯蒂尼安!|插画师Athenaお的最终幻想FF14插画图片
